Referat Etops Group AG
Thursday, 28. April 2022, 10:00 - 10:40 UHR
Seminarraum 2 ( mit Video)
Speaker(s): Pius Stucki
Die Schweizer OpenWealth Initiative erfährt immer grösseren Zuspruch und wächst rasant. In einer immer komplexer werdenden Welt samt stetig steigendem Wettbewerbsdruck ist das Bewusstsein, einheitliche Standards zu verwenden, gestiegen.
Etops gehört zu den innovativen OpenWealth Pionieren und gibt einen Überblick über den Status Quo der Initiative und das enorme Automatisierungspotential für das Depotbankengeschäft in einem Multibanking Umfeld.
Es erwartet Sie ein spannender Vortrag, von dem Sie profitieren können. In diesem Sinne freuen wir uns über Ihre Teilnahme. Ihr Etops Team.
CEO, Etops Group AG
Pius Stucki is a founder of Etops and CEO of Etops Group AG, which has been established by various company acquisitions and integrations.
Pius Stucki has broad experience in product management and information systems for the asset management industry. He started his career as Information System Developer at Zuercher Kantonalbank (ZKB), Switzerland. He became project manager and successfully led company-wide ZKB IT projects.
In 2006 he joined Horizon21 in Pfaeffikon, Switzerland, as a Quantitative Analyst. The same year he became Product Manager and was appointed Deputy Head Product Management providing product management services for fund of hedge funds with USD 4 billion assets under management. Pius Stucki was extensively involved in strategic operations projects throughout the Horizon21 group.
In 2008 he joined AgaNola in Pfaeffikon, Switzerland, as a Head Operations and Investor Services. He was responsible for successfully building up an institutional operations platform.
Pius Stucki holds a Bachelor of Science in Business and a Master of Business in Information Systems from the Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, Virginia, United States.
As a former professional athlete Pius still loves to compete successfully in national and international cycling events.
Pius Stucki was born in 1976 and lives in Switzerland.