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Dr. Martin Schlatter

Head Equities

Dr Martin Schlatter is an experienced portfolio manager with more than 25 years of experience in managing equity and derivative portfolios. He began his career at Credit Suisse, where he became head of a new quant team. In 2002, he became Head of Equity Management at Bank Leu, where he launched a new long/short product line targeting absolute return. The equity strategies were complemented by derivatives, in particular strategies aimed at extracting risk premia from implied volatility strategies. After the merger with Clariden Leu, Martin Schlatter headed the regional equity team, which managed strategies in excess of CHF 3 billion.  He joined Swiss Rock Asset Management in 2012.  At Swiss Rock he is responsible for the management of European, US and Global equity strategies, all based on a global factor investing approach.



Thursday, 25. April 2024, 14:00 - 14:40 UHR , Seminarraum 5 (mit Video)

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