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Referat BWM AG

Why Value Works: A Deep Dive into the Data

Donnerstag, 04. Mai 2023, 10:00 - 10:40 UHR

Seminarraum 5 (mit Video)


Referent(en): Urban Müller, Georg von Wyss

We dive into a treasure trove of data to show what drives the success of value investing, why related inefficiencies persist and where we locate the most attractive opportunities going forward. 

Urban Müller

Urban Müller

Client Relations

25 years of asset management experience, with BWM since January 2022; lic. oec. HEC Lausanne, MSc Economics, London School of Economics; Dr. oec. HSG, St. Gallen

Georg von Wyss

Georg von Wyss

Portfolio Manager

Since 1993 active as a financial analyst and portfolio manager. Co-founder of BWM in 1997. Member of Swiss Financial Analysts Association (SFAA). M.B.A., Amos Tuck School of Business Administration at Dartmouth College; 
