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Image of Markus Benzler

Markus Benzler

Head of Multi-Managers Private Equity MMPE

Markus Benzler heads the Multi-Managers Private Equity team (MMPE) of Real Estate & Private Markets (REPM) within UBS Asset Management (UBS-AM).
In this role, he covers investment selection and portfolio management of several diversified global private equity mandates as well as UBS-AM’s private equity (PE) fund-of-fund businesses. Investments typically cover venture, growth capital, buyouts and special situations done as primaries, secondaries and co-investments in North America, Europe and APAC. 
Markus is the Chairman of the Multi-Managers Private Equity Investment Committee and voting member of the Multi-Managers Infrastructure Investment Committee. 
He joined UBS in 2005 as an investment selection analyst for Private Equity.
Prior to joining UBS, Markus worked at Bain & Company in Munich for six years, where he conducted a full range of projects mainly in PE, banking, and the industrial area. Project types included commercial due diligence projects for PE funds, corporate strategy design, company restructuring, and operational improvement. 



Mittwoch, 24.04.2024, 16:00 Seminarraum 5 (mit Video)
