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Referat Eurizon Capital SA

Green Bonds – How can investors address and reverse the climate change through their investments?

Mittwoch, 22. Januar 2020, 15:00 - 15:45 UHR

Glaskubus II


Referent(en): Matteo Merlin

The impact of investments towards the environment is becoming more and more of importance for your clients. Green Bonds, an emerging asset class, might be a natural fit to your clients requests, as it provides a detail overview of the funded projects and its impact on the environment.

This seminar highlights the benefits and the characteristics of Green Bonds, while it also discusses the advantages of an absolute return investment approach for this asset class.  

Matteo Merlin

Matteo Merlin

Senior Portfolio Manager Eurizon Fund Absolute Green Bonds, Eurizon Capital

Matteo Merlin is the co-portfolio manager of the Eurizon Fund - Absolute Green Bonds and has over 13 years of experience as a fund manager. Before joining Eurizon, he worked for Banca Profilo. Matteo has gained significant experience in the management of bond portfolios, in particular international bonds, emerging market bonds and agencies.

Matteo graduated in Economics and the Management of Institutions and Financial Markets at the Università Cattolica in Milan. He also spent six months at the University of Southampton as an exchange student.
