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Tasso Politis

Vizepräsident, Vermögensverwaltung, Ancala

He joined Ancala in 2020 and has more than 10 years’ experience in transaction advisory and industry. Tasso sits on the boards of portfolios companies.
Prior to joining Ancala, Tasso was part of EY’s transaction advisory team in London focusing on the infrastructure sector. Before that, he worked at Siemens and ThyssenKrupp in Germany and Brazil.
Tasso has a BA from the University of Essen and an MBA from the University of Oxford.

About Ancala: 
Mid 2024 Vontobel completed the acquisition of a minority stake in Ancala; this transaction expands Vontobel´s investment expertise.
Ancala is a leading infrastructure manager with total assets under management of more than EUR 4.1 billion and manages 18 assets operating in essential infrastructure sectors including renewables and energy transition, transport, utilities, and the circular economy. Ancala has deployed a consistent strategy since it was founded in 2010, delivering enhanced returns from investments with traditional infrastructure characteristics.
Ancala’s differentiated approach focuses on sourcing bilateral investment opportunities, providing downside protection, inflation-linkage and cash yield, and delivering a unique approach to creating sustainable value within its portfolio companies.



Mittwoch, 02. April 2025, 13:00 - 13:45 UHR , Seminarraum 5 (mit Video)
