Mittwoch, 24. April 2024, 11:00 - 11:40 UHR
Referent(en): Christophe Hefti Ulf Herbig Bernard Simon
In einer interaktiven Session beleuchten Experten von Clearstream aktuelle Herausforderungen und Lösungen in den Bereichen Distribution, Daten und Digital für Fonds, vom ETF zur Privatmarktanlage.
Head of Central & East Europe, Clearstream
Director of Data & Innovation, Kneip
Ulf Herbig is leading data and innovation at Kneip. He has over 15 years of experience in the Financial Services and Asset Management industry. Before joining Kneip he worked for Hauck & Aufhäuser Asset Management and Hauck & Aufhäuser Private Banquiers. He has been representing the Luxembourg Fund Association (ALFI) in data standardization initiatives of FinDatEx on PRIIPs, Mifid II and SFDR. Furthermore, Ulf is active in various associations, including EFAMA, BVI and the IA.
Chief Information Officer, FundsDLT